B-1 Visa

This visa is granted to foreign nationals who seek to enter the U.S. for a short time to conduct legitimate business of a commercial or professional nature that do not result in drawing a salary or payment from a U.S. employer.

Who Qualifies for B-1 Visas? 

  • Applicants seeking to attend conferences or conventions
  • Applicants hired and paid by foreign employers to conduct business in the U.S.
  • Foreign nationals entering to conduct transactions, such as signing or negotiating contracts
  • Foreign nationals undertaking studies or market research
  • Applicants exploring subsidiary possibilities
  • Domestic servants and employees who accompany U.S. citizens or a non-immigrant visa holder
  • Technical workers who enter the U.S. to install or maintain equipment
  • Professionals attending Board of Directors meetings
  • Professional athletes not drawing a U.S. salary
  • Purchasing agents
  • Applicants entering for litigation
  • Guest speakers and lecturers

B-1 applicants do not need to apply via the USCIS, but can apply in person at the U.S. consulate in their home country

Are there special requirements for B-1 Visas?

  • The visa holder must enter the U.S. only temporarily, with the intention of returning home
  • The visa holder must have a permanent home in his or her home country
  • The visa holder must demonstrate ties to his or her home country
  • All travel expenses must be accounted for
  • The B-1, if a domestic employee, must have significant experience with his or her employer

B-1 Visa Fees

Filing Fee –      Regular $160

Client Reviews

I am indebted to VISAS-USA for their great work in getting my O Visa. I highly recommend them!

Karina Vence, Dinastia Market

Thanks to the work and experience of VISAS-USA, I received my visa sooner than I thought. They are true experts on the...

Luis Rey, Pinta Art

The process of getting an American visa was unfamiliar terrain for me. The advice of VISAS-USA was essential to establish the...

Facundo Bermejo, eVent Medical

The VISAS-USA team did everything possible to get my Permanent Residency through a National Interest Waiver application.

Jorge Becerra, Piloto

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